Reading and describing open a world of information and memorable experiences which can help break the cycle of isolation for people who are blind, have low vision, or have other disabilities.
“We need to make every single thing accessible to every single person with a disability.” Stevie Wonder, Musician
Last year, we increased listenership to our 24/7/365 radio broadcast by 8% and doubled our Audio Description offerings and community partnerships. Your unified support makes all of this possible.
Virginia Voice’s 2024 annual fundraiser is underway. Please consider making a donation today. 100% of your contribution will directly support the services that we provide for 11,000 blind and low vision Virginians every day.
Donate by check or online.

“AMP” your giving power through our monthly giving program “Amplify My Pledge”
“MAP” your contribution by “Making A Promise” to support Virginia Voice for the future. Our Planned Giving program affords you the opportunity to make a major gift over time.
Leave behind a Legacy of support through your will. Call Virginia Voice to create this lasting gift. 804 266 2477
You can help us keep visually and physically impaired individuals connected to their community and to the world around them by supporting us financially.
Virginia Voice
PO Box 15546
Richmond, VA 23227
Virginia Voice is eyes for those who cannot see, hands for those who cannot turn pages.
Thank you for your support!